Research and learn about a contemporary type designer or artist and the work they have created.
Discover what it means to be a type designer and practice typography in today's age.
Tell an informative and intriguing visual story by creating a book or sculptural structure that provides context and maintains the viewer's interest.
Recount an intriguing story about a contemporary type designer or artist.
Experiment with typography for the sake of furthering a concept and connecting with an audience.
Select fitting book structures to create engrossing visual narratives.
Sofia Arredondo, “The Type Book of Jonathan Barnbrook.” Fall 2019

Danika Manguiat, “An Introduction of Ondrej Jób.” Fall 2019.

Jilda Cheng, “A Comparison of the Low-Res Typeface Family.” Fall 2019.

Rae Alfanso. “House Industries & Uncle Goose.” Fall 2017

Rajeev Juneja, “KLIM TYPE.” Spring 2018

Ambur Phillips, “Annie Vought.” Spring 2018